Meet Shane Jabari, a triple threat, native of Baltimore and curator of vibes. As an actor, model and born again musician, currently residing on the West coast, Jabari is now ready to share his art with the world.

This emergence as his true self, an artist through and through, with creativity coursing through every cell in his blood and the mindset to execute efficiently gave birth to Sunset Bari, his highest self.


Inspired by musical icons such as  Michael Jackson and  rap legends such as  Kanye West, Jabari enjoys all types of music. Moving comfortably from the smooth vibes of R&B and the familiar sounds of funk.

FUN FACT: Jabari spent seven years as a personal trainer & works as a fitness model

 click link above to go to my travel vlog


Your Body is a Temple

Not only is Jabari an artist on the rise, he believes in exercising his brain and his body. Studying Finance in undergraduate school taught him how to survive in the corporate arena. Also reading the dictionary as a child, gave Jabari the words to express himself vividly through song. Constantly exercising his brain and training his body has made Jabari the person he is today.


Bitten by the music bug from an early age while listening to old records with his dad, Jabari would make it his job to study the greats. “I have always been a big music head. I listen to music all day long,” stated Jabari. When asked what music is to him, Jabari explained beautifully, “music is the purest form of expression. All art holds value and is responsible for describing feelings and emotions.”


The Wolf of Late Registration

Jabari believes art tells the story of the people. “If you want to know what was going on in a particular time period, the art will tell you,” stated Jabari. With the wisdom of an elder and the vocabulary of a professor in Linguistics, it is only fitting that Jabari use his time and creativity to tell the story of today.

Want to learn more?

Tap in further with Shane Jabari as he explores topics relevant in everyone’s day to day life through stories of vulnerability and funny anecdotes on his podcast: BUT WE’RE NOT.

Co-hosted with the talented Dirk Fenstermacher.